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Mir-506 microRNA precursor family

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miRBase familyMIPF0000130
Other data
RNA typemicroRNA
PDB structuresPDBe

In molecular biology mir-506 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms.

See also




Further reading

  • Banales JM, Sáez E, Uriz M, Sarvide S, Urribarri AD, Splinter P, Tietz Bogert PS, Bujanda L, Prieto J, Medina JF, LaRusso NF (August 2012). "Up-regulation of microRNA 506 leads to decreased Cl-/HCO3- anion exchanger 2 expression in biliary epithelium of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis". Hepatology. 56 (2): 687–97. doi:10.1002/hep.25691. PMC 3406248. PMID 22383162.
  • Tong JL, Zhang CP, Nie F, Xu XT, Zhu MM, Xiao SD, Ran ZH (November 2011). "MicroRNA 506 regulates expression of PPAR alpha in hydroxycamptothecin-resistant human colon cancer cells". FEBS Letters. 585 (22): 3560–8. doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2011.10.021. PMID 22036718. S2CID 41506292.
  • Streicher KL, Zhu W, Lehmann KP, Georgantas RW, Morehouse CA, Brohawn P, Carrasco RA, Xiao Z, Tice DA, Higgs BW, Richman L, Jallal B, Ranade K, Yao Y (March 2012). "A novel oncogenic role for the miRNA-506-514 cluster in initiating melanocyte transformation and promoting melanoma growth". Oncogene. 31 (12): 1558–70. doi:10.1038/onc.2011.345. PMID 21860416.
  • Zhao Y, Liu H, Li Y, Wu J, Greenlee AR, Yang C, Jiang Y (September 2011). "The role of miR-506 in transformed 16HBE cells induced by anti-benzo[a]pyrene-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide". Toxicology Letters. 205 (3): 320–6. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.06.022. PMID 21726609.
  • Liu Y, Hu W, Wang H, Lu M, Shao C, Menzel C, Yan Z, Li Y, Zhao S, Khaitovich P, Liu M, Chen W, Barnes BM, Yan J (September 2010). "Genomic analysis of miRNAs in an extreme mammalian hibernator, the Arctic ground squirrel". Physiological Genomics. 42A (1): 39–51. doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00054.2010. PMID 20442247.